Scope of CSR Policy:
The Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Bluechip Corporate Investment Centre Private Limited (the “Company”) has adopted and designed the following policy and procedures in respect of Corporate Social Responsibility in accordance with Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 and with Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy), Rules, 2021. The policy lays down the guiding principles or rules that shall be applicable to all CSR projects/ programs to be undertaken by the Company, as per Schedule VII of the Act, within the geographical limit of India. This Policy will be periodically reviewed and updated in line with the relevant codes of legislation and best practices that can be adopted by the Company.
It is pertinent that business enterprises are economic organs of society and draw on societal resources. The Company believes that in the strategic context of business, enterprises possess, beyond mere financial resources, the transformational capacity to create game-changing development models by unleashing their power of entrepreneurial vitality, innovation and creativity. In line with this belief, the Company will continue crafting unique models to create a better society. Such Corporate Social Responsibility ("CSR") projects are far more replicable, scalable and sustainable, with a significant multiplier impact on sustainable livelihood creation and working for a cause of humanity.
The primary focus areas for the Company for the CSR projects/ activities are:
To enhance environmental and natural capital. To provide funds to the NGO/ Trust/ Organization/ Society that undertakes the activities in respect to environment sustainability.
To promote education including skill development.
To promote healthcare including preventive healthcare & sanitation and drinking water.
To help in creating livelihoods for people, especially those from disadvantaged sections of society, in rural and urban India (economically weaker sections of the society in rural and urban areas). To engage in affirmative action/interventions such as skill building and vocational training, to enhance employability and generate livelihoods for persons including from disadvantaged sections of society.
To pursue CSR Programmes primarily in areas that falls within the economic vicinity of the Company's operations to enable close supervision and ensure maximum development impact.
To encourage business unit or function to include these considerations into operation.
Implementation :
To implement the Company's CSR Programs through Company personnel or any registered entity to do CSR activities approved by the Registrar of Companies, Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
Governance :
Overall governance of CSR is the responsibility of the CSR Committee of the Board. The Designated person of the Company will be responsible for administering and executing the policy.
Constitution of the Committee :
The Board of Directors shall form the CSR Committee in accordance with the provisions of Section 135 of the Act 2013 and with Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy), Rules, 2014 and any amendment thereto. The CSR Committee of the Company comprises of the following members:
• Mr. Rajaraman Jagadeswaran - Chairman CSR Committee and Whole-time Director
• Mr. Rajagopalan Jagadeswaran - Chairman and Managing Director
Functions of the Committee :
The role of the CSR Committee is:
To formulate CSR Strategy, policy and recommend the same to the Board for approval.
To recommend activities as stated under Schedule VII of the Act.
To finalise CSR budget and spend the allocated amount on CSR projects/ activities
To review the implementation of the CSR Programmes periodically and issue necessary directions from time to time to ensure orderly and efficient execution of the CSR Programmes in accordance with the CSR Policy.
To keep the Board apprised on the progress of the approved CSR Projects.
To undertake any other activity necessary to achieve CSR Vision of the Company.
CSR Expenditure :
CSR expenditure will include all expenditures that may be permitted under the applicable laws, including contribution to corpus for CSR Programmes as approved by the Board on the recommendation of its CSR Committee, but does not include any expenditure on an item not in conformity or not in line with activities which fall within the purview of Schedule VII of the Act.